November 23-26, 2012
Ho Chi Minh City Eye Hospital
Visiting Faculty:
Anthony J. Aldave, M.D.
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Director, Cornea Service
Director, Cornea and Refractive Surgery Fellowship
The Jules Stein Eye Institute
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Director, Cornea Service
Director, Cornea and Refractive Surgery Fellowship
The Jules Stein Eye Institute
Samar K. Basak, M.D.
Director, Disha Eye Hospitals & Research Centre, Kolkata
Senior Consultant, Anterior Segment, Cornea and External Diseases
Medical Director, Prova Eye Bank, Disha Eye Hospitals & Research Centre
Sophie X. Deng, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Cornea and Uveitis Division
Jules Stein Eye Institute
Course Assistants:
Jeremy Shuman, MPH, CEBT (Director of Global Programs, Sightlife Eye Bank)
Jason Jun, M.D. (Cornea Fellow, Jules Stein Eye Institute)
Rosalind Vo, M.D. (Ophthalmology Resident, Loma Linda University Hospital)
Special thanks to cornea donors from Sightlife and associated eye banks (USA)
Course Outline
Friday, 23 Nov Day 1
Pre-op Screening & Patients consultations
- 30 patients with wide variety of corneal pathologies
Demonstration Surgery (Dr Samar Basak)
- Combined cataract surgery and DSEK (manual dissection technique)
Saturday, 24 Nov Day 2
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:15
Welcome Address
Prof. Tran Anh Tuan
& Prof. Anthony Aldave
9:15 – 10:15
DSAEK (Automated) Patient
Selection & Surgical Technique
Drs. Aldave and Deng
10:15 – 11:00
DSEK (Manual) Patient
Selection & Surgical Technique
Dr. Basak
11:15 – 12:15
Live DSAEK Surgery
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:30
Live DSEK Surgery
2:30 – 3:15
Post-op Care,
Complications, and Management
Dr. Aldave
3:45 – 4:45
Live DSAEK Surgery
4:45 –
5:15 – 5:30
Questions & Answers
Drs. Aldave, Basak, and

Sunday, 25 Nov Day 3
Wet Lab
- Demonstrate proper assembly of the artificial anterior chamber and the microkeratome used for automated preparation of the donor cornea for DSEK surgery
- Perform manual and/or automated preparation of the donor cornea for DSEK surgery
- Describe the proper disassembly and sterilization of the artificial anterior chamber, microkeratome and other instruments involved in automated preparation of the donor cornea for DSEK surgery
Individual Surgical Instruction
6 Vietnamese surgeons performed 5 cases of DSEK and 1 PK with one-on-one proctoring by Drs. Aldave, Basak and Deng
- Demonstrate knowledge of the instruments, equipment and supplies needed for the performance of PK and DSEK surgery (both manual and automated preparation of the donor cornea)
- Perform manual and/or automated DSEK surgery and PK with minimal assistance from supervising surgeon
Monday, 26 Nov Day 4
Postoperative Management
- Identify and manage complications which occur immediately following lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty surgery
Eye Bank Meeting
- Align and gain support from surgeon community and community leaders for a HCMC community eye bank
- Topics of discussion:
- History of EB success and challenges in VN
- Current progress in HCMC
- Patient and surgeon need for and benefits of a local, highly productive, and financially sustainable eye bank
- Surgeon role in advocating for eye banking
- Community role in eye banking – and specifically in HCMC
- A glimpse into best practice process, including HCRP
- International experience with eye bank development in challenging environments, key barriers, support required, and high-level steps - Public-Private-Partnership
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